Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Titles are not really a necessary part of the posting process (warning, pissed off mood)

I once read that smart people only say things when they have something to say, while idiots say something for the sake of looking smart.
As such, I don't think I'll be posting quite as much as you want, Nick, because I simply don't have that much to say.
After all, why bother, when eveery thing I say's gonna get thrown back at me, while my so called friends laugh at me behind my back? And why bother, when there's alwaays someone better than me, no matter what I do? Even broad things, like intelligence, NOOOO, I can't even be equal to anyone, I'm always at the bottom of the heap. Well, according to my so called friends (some of them)
And then there's those who might accept that I am smart, even jsut a little, but then completly undermine that by bagging another aspect of my whole? Why freaking bother!?!
And then there are those of you who feel that it's immorral, or just not very nice to hold a grudge. You know what I feel like saying to them?
Of course you don't. No one does.
In this case, it's a grudge based on a so called "petty" thing between myself and another guy. A matter of no consequence, something trivial to be forgotten, and let aside. No one seems to understand that it hurt me so much when I made that decision. I make friends for life. It KILLS me to let them go. Once, maybe twice (depending on how the next couple weeks go) I've had to do that. So, whenever you feel like thinking that I should forgive, just step back and look at my pespective.
Of course, there are those of you who exhibit none of these traits, who are, in effect, my best friends. They know who they are, and I thank whatever deity exists each and every day for them.

I implore you (anyone, not just the people I've subtly mentioned) to question my motives at writing this dark post, but don't look too far into it. I'm just a noob, my opinions don't matter.

P.S: And to that loser who made me cry myself to sleep for weeks, I say this:

1 comment:

Josh said...

Yeah Ben, you're an awesome dude. You're there to talk to (for both me and Brooky) and you've grown up a shitload since you were that itty bitty innocent year 7 with the wide-brim hat. Don't let certain people get you down 'coz we both know they're complete fucktards, you're better than they are and you know it. Ignore their repeated attempts to be assholes to you and people who are your friends and know that you'll turn out a hundred times better than them in the end, eh Dr. Benny? And Brooky is right, I love you as much as two perfectly heterosexual males can love each other without appearing queer.