Thursday, March 09, 2006


So I'm trying to do this shit for english, right, and I'm so bored. So here's some random ramblings that I just bleated out into word, while I was trying to type my english HW
Frigging hell this is so boring. I wish I could just go to sleep on the keyboard, but that really wouldn’t work too well with my dream, or hope rather, to pass year 10. oh well, I’ll wing it, like always. Heh. What a cool expression. Wing it. I’m so funny.Seriously, this is the most boring homework i've ever done. Telling the truth is not always the right thing to do. NO SHIT. My god, if I told the truth every single time i've ever lied, i'd be 6 feet under by now. Jeez, what kinda crappy question is that. and it's for VCE too, so lame. BOORING. LAME LAME LAME.

As you can see, I'm kinda tired. I hope that satiated the tired masses yearning for a piece of the massive wisdom that is The MonkeyMan... heh... so funny.....

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