Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Long time since I last posted. Boo Hoo. 2 Weeks. Diddums.
I've been sick, and working my little butt off, so, yeah, no time. But still time enough for Wc3 :D
Speaking of work, apparrently (one of the managers just called me) the boss has put me on 4 shifts next week, including 2 nights I can't work. And my manager (Erin) asked me to talk to the boss, and tell him to give those shifts to full time people, who while being more expensive (the reason I've got the shifts) actually need those shifts. So good luck to me.]

Apart from that, nothing new... I got an iPod nano recently, and it's about half full (or half empty O.o) American Dad rocks, may I say, and thats about it.
So, this is Dr Benny saying farewell, and good mental health. My diagnosis? Hilarity!

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