Tuesday, August 31, 2004

MonkeyMan Trying New Things...

Your first name:

Are Monkeys?



Amazingly Cool

Who deserves the next MOTW award?

Sunday, August 29, 2004


OK. Due to the fact that I have got 6, thats SIX! comments overnight, I think I have to answer your requests.

JESSE: I don't know why everybody keeps saying that they can't see something. I can see it fine, so there shouldn't be anything wrong.

GABRIELLE: Lots of questions here. 1st, to put the MOTW award in a post you type:

<img src="http://www.brunswick.vic.edu.au/home/smi02/MOTW.bmp">

To get the monkey noises, or any sound file, you type:

<h6>Name of Sound</h6>
<embed src="WHERE THE SOUND IS, EG, http://www.whatev.com"" loop=true autoplay=true width=145 height=60></embed>

You don't want much, do you? ;-D

For a Cursor thingie, you type
<script src="http://www.boomspeed.com/htmlcodes/texttrail.js"language=javascript id="properties"message="WHAT YOU WANT THE TEXT TO SAY" colour="red" font="Comic Sans MS"></script>

And for litle pop up boxes, type:

<script language="JavaScript">
function CONFIRM(){if (!confirm
history.go(-1);return " "}

And you can copy and paste for more.

Thats all of Gabrielles requests, now...

ZOE: I have already posted on both topics, they are under "Olympic Question", and "Computer Question"

BLAINE: Ok, Blaine, here is some insightful stuff for you. ... Do you really live in Northcote? WOW!
Um, Insightful, My mum graduated from University yesterday, with a Masters in Student Welfare, and Richard Pratt, the founder of VISY was there, and he gave a speech about Entraperours. It was very inspiring and Insightful.

NEWT: Thanks a lot for the GMail, Newt, it is really coom, and my new address is bmonkeyman@gmail.com

So, thats all of everybody's requests done. Please, no more questions about Cursor thingies, or Popups. I'm too tired.

So, how was ToM everybody?

If anybody wants to know how to put stuff up, just ask. BUT NOT TODAY!!!

"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

Friday, August 27, 2004

Sitting at home, doing nothing, thats fine...

Many of you will have noticed a music thing called "Short Skirt , Long Jacket" on the Sidebar. But when you click it, it says "Welcome to Davesite.com". Wierd, huh!

Anyway, I'll fix it, and now, on to buisness..........

Bah, forget it.

I'm listening to Short Skirt, Long Jacket, By Cake, and I'm liking it, cuz it's vv funny!...
OH RATS (expletive deleted)

It CUT OUT ON ME !!!!!

And so forth.........
Oh, and it was even shorter than the on from Windows Media PLayer.


And, so forth

OHHH. If someone inadvertantly comes arcoss a full version of Short Skirt, Long Jacket by Cak,e could you give the URL, please!
I, could, see to it that you win the MOTW award next week......................



"The Amazing MonkeyMan

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


The Tarot reading was scary... but SO COOL!!!
it said that I was quirky (true), Willing to Work (True) and had a good Home Background. It also said that I needed to work hard to get what I wanted, and Organise rabbles.
"The Amazing MonkeyMan"
Whell, now it is later... 1 day later, and it is time for the MOTW award!
Um..., ..., ..., ... Ok.............
BTW, pictures can be uploaded by :
<img src="http://www.brunswick.vic.edu.au/home/smi02/MOTW.bmp">
That will look like this:
Um, The MOTW award goes to... um... KATE!!! Kate Gets The MOTW award!
And... Because this is the 30th Post, Chloe also gets a MOTW award, and so does Zoe.
(I'm a little suck-up, short and stout...)
The HTML code that I posted above will put the MOTW award on your blog, so just COPY AND PASTE THE CODE!!!
Ctrl-C is copy, Ctrl-V is paste.
"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

Monday, August 23, 2004

Boredom...Lack of comments...Crazy Monkeys...Simpsons Songs...Ect...

Click here
Its a site devoted to The Simpsons. I really like it, and it includes Lyrics to all the songs, and it allows you to listen to most of them.

Anyway, with Simpsons Songs out of the way, Whats with the lack of comments? Some posts have 30-40 comments on them, and I'd be lucky if I had that many in total! BAH! Come on... Please?!? My monkey Friends need comments.

Next. Crazy Monkeys! YAY! Crazy Monkeys Are the same as the regular kind, except with more crazyness...

Finally, Boredom. Boredom can come from a lot of things, especially waiting. I hate waiting. You're like "Yay! Only 5 minutes!" Then the Doctor or Something says "I'm sorry, there has been a 5 hour delay!"
If that were me, I'd be doing something like this:
"Urgiddafurderatherada! BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!" Then, kicking something. Except, it wouldn't work too well, especially if you had a broken leg or something...

Thats all. Comments are greatly apreciated, even negative ones. I can take them... :'(

"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Sad Monkey...

Why is no one commenting?!?
Now, I'm sad, and it's all your fault. BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH! and so forth...
OHH... Someone please comment, or I will be sad tomorrow.
BTW, has anyone seen the latest topic on the hub? Josh and Chloe are practicly having a shouting match, without the shouting.
"The Amazingly Sad MonkeyMan"

Friday, August 20, 2004

MOTW Winners

No, I don't have any new winners. But, if you have won the MOTW award, then post this in a post (LoL, grammar sucks):
<img src="http://www.brunswick.vic.edu.au/home/smi02/MOTW.bmp">
and you will have the MOTW award on your blog!

School is really good, though I feel I havn't been spending enough time with my old friends (Josh, Tom, Luther, David, Hoang) and more time with my new friends (Too many to list)
Speaking of lists, if you want to put a links list on your blog, then type this somewhere on your template:
<h2>Links list</h2>

<li><a href="http://www.themonkeyman.blogspot.com">Ben</a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.eightshub.blogspot.com">Hub</a></li>
Then add new: <li><a href="http://www.eightshub.blogspot.com">Hub</a></li> for more links

"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

Computer Question

I think there is a difference in talking to people with blogger. You can talk to people that are hundreds of kilometers away. Just look at newt and I. We met on blogger, and post comments on each others blogs, and it is fun. Talking to people can be better than looking at a computer screen, but for talking to people that are not near you, then blogger is better.
"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

Olympics Question

There is no way that the olympics is pointless. Just ask one of the thousand of athletes in them, and the millions of children trying to be like them. The Olympics gives people something to strive for.
"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

HTML CODE!!!!!!!

The Amazing MonkeyMan © has come through for all those who are technologicly... not so good. I have found a cool HTML code tutorial!
Visit Daves Site
"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

A cheer-you-up MOTW

Gabrielle's Blog Exploded on itself (see hers for more), so Gabrielle deserves an Extra MOTW award!

20th Post!!! + 6 MOTW's

20 Posts in 3 weeks!
Thats 6 a week!
So, this week, 5 or 6 MOTW!!!
Lets see....
Um, Phedra, cuz she learns Indonisean,
Meg, cuz she learns French,
Josh, cuz he knows really good HTML (and should be able to post the MOTW award without me telling him how... AND COZ -=StK=-Mazz PWNS)
David, cuz it will improve his blog... (Click "David in the links section)
My good friend James, for lending me all those Futurama DVD's,
and ...


The 6th MOTW goes to Hoang, as a birthday present for Monday
"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

MOTW 16/8/04

I know its early, but I think that my good friend ____ deserves the MOTW award. Who it is I have no Idea, but, I'll think of someone.

OOH! I know!

NO, Not that person.


Newt wins this weeks MOTW award!!!

If you want the code, email me, or upload this picture.

"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

(P.S VOTE ON MY POLL! Meg, your poll is missing)

Trying the NavBar Blogthis thing.

It would appear that the NavBar is a cool new thing that really works!
"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

Experiments... :-D

This probably won't work.
But, It might...
  • Listen to this

  • The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Sunday, August 15, 2004

    MonkeyMans First Picture!!!!

    MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAs! MonkeyMan Uploaded a Picture!
    Without using a program!
    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Saturday, August 14, 2004

    Monkey of The Week...2

    Okay. I've gotten a trophy at the bottom of my blog for the winner of Monkey of The Week. So far, Jesse is the only winner, seeing as I only implemented the scheme (NOT SCHEME, DAMMIT! PLAN, or IDEA, NOT SCHEME!) last week. The awards will be decided on Wednesdays, amd If anyone wins, then E-Mail me if you want the code.
    http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail69.html This is really funny if you know the series (though completly irrelevent to MOTW)
    I found Josh C's Blog, and you all should have a look, because he has done some really clever things with it. (Plus, I told him I'd tell you to look at it, so PLEASE leave an comment on it!)
    http://www.talkingaboutstuff.blogspot.com Josh C's blog.
    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Friday, August 13, 2004

    Monkey Of The Week Award!

    Today, I am announcing the "Monkey of The Week" award in the MonkeyMans Jungle.
    This weeks MOTW award goes to Jesse, or Black Cat, for his insightful comments in real life.
    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Why so sad?

    Is it just me, or are people at school getting more and more sad and gloomy?
    Nobody likes gloomy people, so be like the MonkeyMan, and be HAPPY!
    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith


    Anywho, I'm just so bored with school, thanks to Chloe who said I was the nicest in the class :-D!
    I didn't get near enough sleep last night, even though I slept in for half an hour... and I went to sleep at 10:30, and woke up at 7:30...
    Sleep is good...


    I'm sad now...
    No one is sitting next to this sad little monkey. Perhaps if I was more, um, with... the... uh, helping... people would sit next to me... The only people who are nice to me are Ben Hackett, Theo and Ryo.
    Yet, all is not lost. I'm playing defend your castle at arcadetown.com, and I'm up to level 11 or 12. BOOYAH!
    Comments about my predicament would be nice...
    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Thursday, August 12, 2004

    The Tyrinnical Tyranny of G-O-O-G-L-E

    We all see Google as an internet search engine. But, is Google much more than it seems?
    What is Google? Google is a search engine, ran by 2 increibly smart people. It also includes a shopping page, an image search , forums and news.

    Thats all we see on the main page.

    Behind the scenes, there is E-Mail (GMail) and our good friend, Blogger. I think it is all a maniacal plot to take over the world!
    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Wednesday, August 11, 2004

    I'm so Confused...

    I don't know what is happening at school. I'm so out of the loop. Could someone (trustworthy) fill me in on what is going on?

    I woke up, did wash, eat, brush, school things (I'm TIRED!) The I had band, and um, Lots of people wern't there, Only 1 clarinet, and we played good. Then Mats and Italian, nothing eventful except Tom coming in at 10:10, then R-e-c-e-s-s, then, um, Extended pastoral (WASTE OF TIME) then English (lots of fun) . At L-u-n-c-h i went to a Hockey meeting for field hockey (that made sense), then I did Computer Tech stuff, and then Music lesson, lost of fun, then T-E-X-T-I-L-E-S. Bah.
    Not much else, bag was heavy today, my back hurts, Maybe I'll go lie down. Lots of people were absent, probably due to Rock Eistefford.

    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith
    (P.S Hey Zoe, does todays lesson mean no Pig Latin?)

    Monday, August 09, 2004


    Stewie : "Hello mother."
    Lois : "Well, hi there Sweety."
    Stewie : "You know Mother, life is like a box of chocolates [he presents herwith a box], you never know what you’re going to get, your life however is morelike a box of active grenades! [the box has grenades in it] Now I offer you onelast chance for deliverance- return my mind control device, or be destroyed."
    Lois : "Oh, you just want your toy back. Okay, here ya go honey."
    Stewie : "Yes, well, Victory is mine! [ Walks away with the device into thedining room. A crash sound is heard] Ahhhhhh! Damn you all!"
    See that? That is the best line in Family Guy, one of my favourite shows.
    Another is:
    Glen : "Hey, who wants to play “Drink the Beer”?"
    Peter : "Right here!"
    Glen : "Heh, you win!"
    Peter : "All right, what do I win?"
    Glen : "Another beer!"
    Peter : "Oh, I’m going for the high score."
    Glen : "Well, actually Charlie has the high score."
    Charlie : [with his pants down facing the inside of a grandfather clock] "Heyman, your clock won’t flush."
    HAHAHA! That is classic humour, in it's finely refined form. "Hey man, your clock won't flush."

    Oh my god! Family Guy Rocks!

    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith
    (P.S Here I will post the lyrics to Short Skirt, Long jacket, Later... )
    (P.P.S There have been 5 comments, so there will be no Pig Latin. For now!)

    Sunday, August 08, 2004

    Thank you... 2

    Thank you again to Lachlan, and to Tom, for posting comments. I'm down to oneway ommentcay, ownay!
    So, how did people go with their... Um, Games things?
    Like I said earlier, we went OK, but could have gone better if we had the "flowchart", whatever the hell that was.
    Anyways, I've had a boring weekend, with the exception of the games thing, and I'm almost looking forward to school, except I haven't finished my Science. Oh well. Now, I think I have some crap jokes for the world...

    Ethical Dilemma
    A lawyer charged a man $1,000 for legal services. The man paid him in cash with crisp new $100 bills. After the client left, the lawyer discovered that two bills had stuck together -- he'd been overpaid by $100. The ethical dilemma for the lawyer: Should he tell his partner?

    Bush and Osama
    Bush and Osama decided to settle the war once and for all. They sat down and decided to settle the whole dispute with one dog fight. They would have 5 years to breed the best fighting dog in the world and which ever site's dog won would be entitled to dominate the world.
    Osama found the biggest, meanest Doberman and Rottweiler female Dogs in the world and bred them with the meanest Siberian wolves. They selected only the biggest and strongest puppy from the litter, and removed his siblings, which gave him all the milk. After 5 years, they came up with the biggest, meanest dog the world had ever seen. Its cage needed steel bars that were 5 " thick and nobody could get near.
    When the day came for the dog fight, Bush showed up with a strange looking animal. It was a 9 foot long Dachshund. Everyone felt sorry for Bush because there was no way that this dog could possibly last 10 seconds with the Afghanistan dog. When the cages were opened up,the Dachshund came out of it's cage, and slowly waddled over towards Osama's dog. Osama's dog snarled and leaped out of its cage and charged the American Dachshund -- but, when it got close enough to bite, the Dachshund opened its mouth and consumed Osama's dog in one bite. There was nothing left of his dog at all.
    Osama came up to Bush, shaking his head in disbelief, "We don't understand how this could have happened. We had our best people working for 5 years with the meanest Doberman and Rottweiler female dogs in the world and the biggest, meanest Siberian wolves."
    "That's nothing,", said Bush. "We had Michael Jackson's plasticsurgeons working for 5 years to make that alligator look like a weenie dog."

    George and Moses
    George W. Bush, in an airport lobby, noticed a man in a long flowingwhite robe with a long flowing white beard and flowing white hair. Theman had a staff in one hand and some stone tablets under the other arm.
    George W. approached the man and inquired, "Aren't you Moses."
    The man ignored George W. and stared at the ceiling.
    George W. positioned himself more directly in the man's view and askedagain, "Aren't you Moses".
    The man continued to peruse the ceiling.
    George W. tugged at the man's sleeve and asked once again, "Aren't youMoses".
    The man finally responded in an irritated voice, "Yes I am".
    George W. asked him why he was so uppity and the man replied, "The lasttime a bush spoke to me I ended up spending forty years in thewilderness".

    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Thank you...

    To Lachlan and Phedra, who both posted on my blog, so now the allytay isay ownday otay 3.
    You have untill Tuesday, or Pig Latin for 5 Posts will ensue! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


    Holy Cow, I'm bored. Gotta do that science... and English... and Italian...
    And why havn't more people started thier blogs? Probably waiting for tomorrow...
    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Saturday, August 07, 2004


    After Re-Examination, I have deduced that Josh didn't hack my blog (phew).
    So! If anyone wants to continus that Big Bang thing from science, just comment here.
    5 otay ogay, eoplepay!

    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    I listen to advice

    Finaly, you can see the words on my blog!
    Phedra, most of the text was red, it's just that the Background sucked. Tell me what you think of it.
    I think Nick and I went Ok for the games thing, I'm not sure


    The MonkeyMan is back, and after looking at everyones blogs, I think I can say that hardly anyone is getting on and posting. A few people, maybe, but hardly anyone.

    Now that that is over with, When Nick and I got to the game thing, there were heaps of people there. It was nerve wracking, because there was no way of knowing who was at or above your standard. In the waiting room, there was this guy that came over to look at our game. Neither of us knew him, so it was pretty wierd, but , you know, kinda cool that someone we didn't know came over to have a look. There was this girl infront of us who was playing "Happy Lands", so some of the girls in our class aren't the only crazy ones (LOL).

    I wish more people would comment on my blog, because I put so much effort into it. If I don't get 5 Comments by Tuesday, I will start posting in Igpay Atinlay.

    So, enjoy! Only 5 comments, eoplepay!

    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Friday, August 06, 2004

    Bored as Hell

    Seing as how I just got home from school, I thought I'd post about it. Except I can't think of anything. BAH! You know what a really cool song is? "Short Skirt, Long Jacket". I really like it.
    Anyway, boredom sucks. I don't like it at all.
    Maybe over the next few days I'll post some of the Lyrics.
    OH! I forgot to tell you who won between Scott and I! ... ME!
    (and Modest too)
    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    From 4:30 Pm to 1:04 Pm

    Guess what! I had to sign off at about 5:00PM, so here is everything from then 'till now.
    I went swimming. My GOD! there was this crzy little **** that kept yelling at me, so I kicked him alot. It was fun. Then I watched Comedy Inc. FUNNY!!!
    Then I went to sleep.
    Today, we had sport. it was alright. Then Textiles. I got my Machine licence, and I found about 50 pins for Ms Sciacca, but that was it. So now I am posting and that is it.
    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Thursday, August 05, 2004

    What I Did Today

    Well, first I woke up, (insert everything I do every day to 9:00 AM)

    The I went to the staffroom to practice a piece of music with Ms Mc...Kechnie(?), and that went really well. BTW, I'm doing this post from E-Mail, not blogger. You can do that by going to the settings tab, then the E-Mail button. It will have something called Mail-To-Blogger Address, with something like: "neb_thims.(empty space for secret word)@blogger.com" then, you E-Mail your post to that address, and it will be posted, I think.

    English was alright, and the task looks interesting, despite the fact that I have no idea What is going on. Then TEXTILES. I can't really complain. Yet... BAHBAHBAH!

    R-e-c-e-s-s, I performed with Ms McKechnie(?), and everyone applauded. DOUBLE MATH was really fun. I like Math, and Mr Arayne, despite the general opinion. I'm always going against the opinion. HEHEHE.

    Lunch, I went to the Library, and played chesss with Hoang. See if you can guess who won. I'll tell you next time. In Science, we had a great discussion about the meaning of existance, cut short by Ms Stevenson wanting to talk about Eclipses and stuff. I can't blame her, though.

    Chess in period 6 was the best! I won against... Scott...Anderson(?) 4 Move Checkmate. Easy!

    So now I am at home, and writing on this blog. What else to write? Nothing? Ok.

    The Amazing MonkeyMan
    Ben Smith

    Wednesday, August 04, 2004

    I'm Sad.

    Yeah, nice try, Josh. Well Done. (He hacked my blog!)

    Anyway, I'm Sad because the Stupid links bar wont go up ... on my ... thing.



    Why won't the link work?

    Fine. Ill just post all of 8S's Blogs here.

  • Hub

  • Tom

  • Meg

  • Phedra

  • Rebecca

  • Kate

    Oh, Ben is a Sad Monkey. His only comment incites stabbing!

    Tuesday, August 03, 2004

    You know, GameCube Really Rocks!

    I mean, if you want a DVD player, then get a PlayStation 2 or an X Box. Granted, there are some good games on PS2 and X Box, but GameCube is all about games, AND(!) can connect to the GameBoy Advance


    Just a first post from the Amazing MonkeyMan