Thursday, March 22, 2007

Seth Shedlock

Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. The fruit of my labors of the past half hour. This is a work in progress, but either way, enjoy.

Dr: Welcome, Seth. Why don’t you tell me why you’re here.

Seth: You’re the doctor, *reads nameplate*, Clayton. You tell me.

Dr: Seth, I can see from your frosty façade that you don’t want to be here. In my opinion, you place far too much value on your own opinion. In short, you have grown accustomed to only listening to yourself.

Seth: Well, Clayton, that’s an ok way to look at me.

Dr: Why don’t you start by telling me about yourself.

Seth: You’ve got my file right there, Clayton—

Dr: Normally, my clients call me Dr Bruen.

Seth: As I was saying, Clayton, you have my file in front of you. You tell me about myself.

Dr: Ok, Seth. I’ll indulge you. The file says that you’re 16, born on 21st of April, 1990, to Kimberly and Scotty Shedlock of Greenwick.

Seth: Correct.

Dr: It goes on to say that you’ve been at 9 different schools in the past 3 years, you make very few lasting friends, and no teacher in the state wants to teach you!

Seth: You’d never guess that I’m such a nice person.

Dr: Seth, why do you feel that all these things occur?

Seth: Do you want me to tell you the truth, or the answer you want to hear?

Dr: Preferably the truth, but I’m sure the latter would be more entertaining for you.

Seth: I’d definitely say that all these things occur because I’m so darned smart that no-one can match my insurmountable intellect. I’d go on to say that each of those 9 schools were as boring as the last, the people my age are not nearly smart enough to talk to me on an intellectual level, and that the teachers were no better.

Dr: Was that as entertaining as you thought it would be?

Seth: Wouldn’t you like to know.


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