Thursday, March 15, 2007

Myspace, you suck ass, 2

Ok, so you've all read my first bitch fest about Myspace. It was fun writing that, because I was severely pissed off at those guys over there. Today, however, they had the gall to send me this:

Thursday, 15 March 2007 7:10:24 PM


Ronando invites you to MySpace

Ronando is a member of MySpace and is inviting you to join.

Ronando says:

Here's my shitbox of a myspace, enjoy!

Join MySpace and you will instantly be connected to Ronando, and to each of Ronando's friends.

Click Here to Join:

What is MySpace?
MySpace is an online community that lets you meet your friends' friends.

* Create a Custom Profile
* Upload & Share Photos
* Send Mail and IM's
* Write Blogs & Comments
* Discover new Music, Filmmakers, and Comedians
* Watch and share Funny Videos
* It's FREE!

Who Uses MySpace?
MySpace is for everyone:

* Friends who want to talk Online
* Bands that want to share their music
* Filmmakers that want to reach their fans
* Families who want to keep in touch
* Professionals interested in networking
* Classmates and study partners
* Anyone looking for long lost friends!

What Do I Do?
1. Click the Link In This E-mail
2. Create Your Profile
3. Start Communicating with Your Friend and Your Friend's Friends
4. Invite Your Friends to Join!

Click Here to Learn More:

First off: I do not like Myspace. If being BZORP'd wasn't enough for you Myspace n00bs, I have no idea what is.

There it is again, in all its glory. BZORP-age is pretty uncommon, and I normally reserve it for people like "Ronando" (who'll be getting a taste of BZORP-age soon, stay tuned). Rawr.

So, after getting myself blocked from recieving emails from Myspace, I now shall lace into them further.
I quote, from their email:
* Friends who want to talk Online
* Bands that want to share their music
* Filmmakers that want to reach their fans
* Families who want to keep in touch
* Professionals interested in networking
* Classmates and study partners
* Anyone looking for long lost friends!

I have MSN to talk to my friends Online.
I'm not a filmmaker.
I'm not in a band.
I actually talk to my family *gasp*
I'm not a professional, but if I was, I'd use MSN.
I would use MSN to talk to my "classmates and study partners", if I felt like it.
I'm not looking for long lost friends. Odds are, if I lost them... I don't want to find them.

Got anything else, Myspace? No? Good.

I Hereby Refute the Evil Demon Myspace, and all it's Demonic Practices.


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