Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I don't like emoticons like that. They're really weird. Seriously, what on earth is T_T, or ^_^. Eyes don't go like that. >.
Also, isn't it slightly hypocritical that the school removes chips from the canteen on a "healthy eating" basis, yet is currently forcing many students to sell chocolates? I'm pretty sure that $2 of chips is more healthy (in comparison) than $3 of chocolate eggs.
I said that, pretty much, yesterday in Chemistry. So, she ripped me a new one.
i am sick and bloody tired of people attacking the SRC. i do so much stuff for this school, i've only gone home once in my frees, and i have 15 per fortnight. i do SO MUCH stuff for this bloody school, and i am sick and tired of people like you who do nothing for the school attacking me about it. what do YOU do for the school, ben?

Presumably because she's on the SRC, and it looked like a personal attack on her. So I was in a horrible mood for most of last night. Then today, she had another go at me. >.<
She said pretty much the same thing, so I'm not gonna bother to say what she said.
These god damn >.<'s are fucking with the HTML on the page.

I just don't see how it's fair, that I raise an opinion, and get so unfairly attacked about it. Of course Rebecca's allowed her opinion, so am I. She's not allowed, however, to force her opinion on me! Rawr!

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