Man, what a weekend. I'm so frigging tired, it's not funny. I was on the go all frigging weekend, I didn't get to sit down at all. So I was working at 10 on Saturday, and I got up at 9:30, left, go there. Boring. And stupid Cooper, he swapped shifts with Nicole, so that was a boring shift. If she'd been there it would have been interesting, I guess. So I finished at 2, I met up with Josh and Brooklyn. I practically got tied down and force-fed Carbonara. This was because of a deal I made with Brooklyn a couple days ago (I make such STUPID deals/bets)(mainly bets).
So, that wasn't the best idea I've ever had, but still, I went along with it. Unfortunately, Brooklyn got kinda angry when I wouldn't eat all of this strange, cheesy food I've never had before. Also Bacony (grrr @ bacon). So she was pissed at me for a couple hours, which made going shopping for Gabby's birthday present kinda awkward. Still, we managed to get all the stuff, then Brooklyn went to church and Josh and I went to my house (after I apologised for not eating the stuff), got Gabby's presents ready, then went to her party. I had fun, I really did. It was so cool, playing Werewolf as a small group like that, we had an awesome game with The Infector (turns dudes into werewolfs instead of killing them), the Witch (can save one person, and kill one person), the Ninja (dodges one bullet a night, can flip out and murder-suicide someone) and 4 villagers. So we were all convinced that the infector was Kate or Blaine, but it was really Nick, and man did Blaine play well. Fun game. Me & Josh were the last to leave ('sept Kate, but she was staying over), and we played the chocolate game, and Kate told fortunes with a dice. Fun. Josh and I talked for about 2 hours, about random stuff... Fun. I slept like a log for about 9 hours, I guess, then we played Donkey Konga for 3 hours, then Family Guy for a while, then one game of DotA, then we took Josh home, then TOM came over for History study, he photocopied my book, then I went to work. Equally as boring as yesterday. We were 75 minutes late, so tahts like, an extra 2 and a half hours pay :D.
So here I am, typing when I should be studying. Sorry Brooklyn, I just cbf'd. Guess I'd better say goodbye to Dr. Benny :P.
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Well, Not really about the werewolf.
See, I knew that Nick was the evil one, 'coz I knew that Jesse, me, Gabby and Kate weren't, but Blaine was doing his obvious lying thing and since I can tell when he's lying 'coz he spends ALL his time ridiculing us like 'YOU ARE ALL STUPID! YOU'RE GOING TO DIE NOW!' etc. and always tries to shift the blame onto a scapegoat. Anyway, I was right about him lying/being evil :P But yes, it was fun.
Goss! Goss! GOSS! Man, I never got to watch the Producers =/ At least your dad coulda been like 'oh, dont worry about 10-11, maybe i'll drop you off at 1' coz I woulda watched it otherwise :P
Hi Ben!
Good? That's good. Yes, you have made some very... shall we say... indescent bets in the past which result in you attaining nicknames like "Benny" something and telling me or someone or something or her or him or she or her or it or it's relations something like "Waghlaaarrrrttt bbbrrroooovvveee ggglluuueee." Translation: I l**e y**.
Me and Jesse are working on a top-secret project involving "how to read lips"... virtually!
WHAT?! Yes, I heard you Ben. you just said out loud, "Hoang!" in a very condescending tone. Well, anyways, I had to go to Alaska this weekend, family events which could not bbe ignored. But besides that small business, I guess it's just monkey business. I hope that you enjoyed this post, because now here comes the secret.
Oh, Alison might stop by and post you a message. the stark contrast is that I am 'crazy Hoang' and she is 'sane Alison', so if you hear someone say virtually, "Meep Meep!!" it's her, but as for me, it's "Meep Morp." So don't get confused, because I know you won't ^^
Byez Benny ***** lol
sorry, neb thimbs <.< seimeze twins..>.>
<.< can't.. quite. get there yet... >.>
>.> <.< nooo!
>.< bang!
byez =P
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