Monday, June 19, 2006

Days of the Week...

I was in my mum's classroom at her primary school last week, and there was this song on the wall called "Days of the Week." To the Adams Family theme...
"There's Sunday and there's Monday,
There's Tuesday and there's Wednesday,
There's Thursday and there's Friday,
And then there's Saturday!

Days of the week *click click*"

Etc... Yeah, it's a Special School, and they're 10. What can you do?

So, without further ado, here's which days I like more than others.
Number 7: Tuesday. Everyone hates Monday, I hate Tuesday, just to be different. Also, I used to work every Tuesday, and now I hate it.
Number 6: Monday. I work Mondays now =/.
Number 5: Sunday. There's just this murky feel about Sundays, cuz you gotta go back to school the next day... Not that that's a bad thing, I don't mind school (INCOMING! Shouts of HEATHEN!)...
Number 4: Friday. Friday used to be awesome, when I went to Cydus every Friday, but I worked a lot of Fridays in a row, and I haven't been for weeks, so here's Friday.
Number 3: Saturday. It's better than Sunday, because you don't have to do anything. At all. Unless you have work =/.
Number 2: Thursday. We go down to Barkley Square, I get chips, I get money, I have scouts, I get jumped on by little kids... It's all good.

And the number one day, in my opinion....

Wednesday. I love Wednesdays :D:D:D:D:D:D.

Work Experience was really cool. I got to hang out with a bunch of little kids for a week at a primary school, and do absoltely no work, yet get perfect results. Gee, sounds like normal school. I did pretty well on my exams, seeing as how I didn't study at all... I got
94% for Health,
94% for Maths,
60% for Science =/,
and thats all the marks I know at the moment. Oh well. That's an average of 83%, which is a very high A. I can't complain. Although, looking at the new grading system that the government is trying to implement, and A would be if I was 12 months ahead of where I should be. I think that since I'm in the SEAL program, I should get straight A's for everything, cuz we're doing year 11 work. Fair? I think so :D.

(Boring computer game section, feel free to skip)

I played the funniest game of DotA tonight, I was morphling, I got Butterfly AND HoT, and I was doing really well. Then the host said "HOLY FUCK A CAR JUST CRASHED THROUGH THE FRONT OF MY HOUSE!" and he left and I got dc'd. Damn, what a funny game that was.

(/Boring computer game section, start reading again)

I guess that's all I have to say right now, I might have a bit more interesting stuff in a day or two, but you never know. Wednesdays rock.

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