Monday, April 09, 2007

Of 300, Sunshine, Easter and KFC

Today is Easter Monday. I just got back from staying with a family friend, since Thursday (Holy Thursday, if you will). Here's a brief summary of my weekend, then I'll go into details.
(Holy) Thursday

  • Slept in.
  • Got picked up and brought to family friend's house.
  • Picked up family friend's nephew.
  • Got KFC for dinner.
  • Watched "Evil Woman"

(Good) Friday

  • Slept in
  • Went to Maldern, drove a steam train.
  • Lost my Necklace. :(
  • Had KFC for dinner.
  • Watched "The Devil Wears Prada".

(Holy) Saturday

  • Slept in.
  • Bummed around the house, played 27 games of Pikmin 2.
  • Watched "Corpse Bride".
  • Had KFC for Lunch.

(Easter) Sunday

  • Got sick during the night.
  • Slept most of the day, while family friend's family had an Easter Egg hunt for the nephew.
  • Watched "Superman Returns"
  • Went to bed at 7:45.

(Easter) Monday
  • Slept in.
  • Watched 300.
  • Came home.
  • Sat on computer chair, started summarising weekend.
  • Finished summarising weekend.

Ok, great. </summary> Ooh! Goody. 145 thousand files scanned, no viruses.
Anyways. 300. Incredibly great movie, definetly worth seeing again. Story. Omg you say? It's a link to Ben Thompson's page of crap? Yes, because it's the only summary of 300 that does it justice.
Unfortunately, I just managed to catch the most massive piece of crap that's ever crawled its way onto the silver screen. Or, rather, a preview for it.

I speak of course, of Sunshine. /shudder.

Here's a summary, but if you'd prefer a non-objective review, then feel free to stay.
Ahem. "Omg, shit shit guys! It's liek, the year 2057, and the sun's asploding about 6 billion years ahead of schedule, so, liek, we have to send 8 people (from all different races, because we're not racist in the year 2057) to the sun to blow it up asplode it back into sending out heat and light, even though the last 8 people we sent all killed themselves, otherwise the world will get really really cold and they'll all die."

First off, I'd like to point out how dismally incorrect this premise is. The sun doesn't just STOP WORKING. It's fuelled by a chemical reaction that burns Hydrogen and converts it into Helium. It has enough Hydrogen to last at least another 5 billion years, then it'll slowly cool over another 5 billion years... Not ~10 years, as Sunshine is predicting.
Science fiction, Slasher, Suspense film.
Last time I checked, these three don't go together that well. Maybe slasher and suspense, but not Science Fiction. Come on.

Moving on. KFC.
I should know the limitations of my own body, rather than pumping it full of fat, grease and salt. I should know better.
Instead, I gorged myself. I ate so much KFC this weekend, it's not funny. And I paid the price, by getting sick and having to sleep through Easter Sunday.

I was gonna write some more stuffs about Easter, but I really can't be bothered. Later, perhaps.

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