I was in my mum's classroom at her primary school last week, and there was this song on the wall called "Days of the Week." To the Adams Family theme...
"There's Sunday and there's Monday,
There's Tuesday and there's Wednesday,
There's Thursday and there's Friday,
And then there's Saturday!
Days of the week *click click*"
Etc... Yeah, it's a Special School, and they're 10. What can you do?
So, without further ado, here's which days I like more than others.
Number 7: Tuesday. Everyone hates Monday, I hate Tuesday, just to be different. Also, I used to work every Tuesday, and now I hate it.
Number 6: Monday. I work Mondays now =/.
Number 5: Sunday. There's just this murky feel about Sundays, cuz you gotta go back to school the next day... Not that that's a bad thing, I don't mind school (INCOMING! Shouts of HEATHEN!)...
Number 4: Friday. Friday used to be awesome, when I went to Cydus every Friday, but I worked a lot of Fridays in a row, and I haven't been for weeks, so here's Friday.
Number 3: Saturday. It's better than Sunday, because you don't have to do anything. At all. Unless you have work =/.
Number 2: Thursday. We go down to Barkley Square, I get chips, I get money, I have scouts, I get jumped on by little kids... It's all good.
And the number one day, in my opinion....
Wednesday. I love Wednesdays :D:D:D:D:D:D.
Work Experience was really cool. I got to hang out with a bunch of little kids for a week at a primary school, and do absoltely no work, yet get perfect results. Gee, sounds like normal school. I did pretty well on my exams, seeing as how I didn't study at all... I got
94% for Health,
94% for Maths,
60% for Science =/,
and thats all the marks I know at the moment. Oh well. That's an average of 83%, which is a very high A. I can't complain. Although, looking at the new grading system that the government is trying to implement, and A would be if I was 12 months ahead of where I should be. I think that since I'm in the SEAL program, I should get straight A's for everything, cuz we're doing year 11 work. Fair? I think so :D.
(Boring computer game section, feel free to skip)
I played the funniest game of DotA tonight, I was morphling, I got Butterfly AND HoT, and I was doing really well. Then the host said "HOLY FUCK A CAR JUST CRASHED THROUGH THE FRONT OF MY HOUSE!" and he left and I got dc'd. Damn, what a funny game that was.
(/Boring computer game section, start reading again)
I guess that's all I have to say right now, I might have a bit more interesting stuff in a day or two, but you never know. Wednesdays rock.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Hehehe. Work experience was awesome. Remember primary school, with colourful charts and such? That was my week. I got beat up by preps though, that was demoralising. But it was still fun. And I'm tired as all hell. Not a new thing for me, though. And I didn't do my Maths, and I don't plan to, so bite me Ms S.
*Ben is asleep on keyboard*
*Ben is asleep on keyboard*
Monday, June 12, 2006
I am bored. Entertain me.
Seriously, there's nothing at all for me to do right now. Warcraft's lagging like hell because dad's uploading some shit for his buisness to his online storage (which takes ALL FRIGGING DAY), and I cbf'd doing anything else. I am bored. Although, I do have to do that gay ass math project by Thursday (frigging Ms S, like hell anyone will)... I guess I could do that.
So bored... No one's on MSN, so no one to talk to. And I'm not doing that Maths.
Holidays now, yay. Freedom. Joyous freedom. I love the holidays as long as there's something to do, otherwise they get stagnant and boring. :D
Bored. And cold, too, that's weird. Oh well. I hope somewhere, one of my friends is having fun =/
Seriously, there's nothing at all for me to do right now. Warcraft's lagging like hell because dad's uploading some shit for his buisness to his online storage (which takes ALL FRIGGING DAY), and I cbf'd doing anything else. I am bored. Although, I do have to do that gay ass math project by Thursday (frigging Ms S, like hell anyone will)... I guess I could do that.
So bored... No one's on MSN, so no one to talk to. And I'm not doing that Maths.
Holidays now, yay. Freedom. Joyous freedom. I love the holidays as long as there's something to do, otherwise they get stagnant and boring. :D
Bored. And cold, too, that's weird. Oh well. I hope somewhere, one of my friends is having fun =/
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Wow, post 120 and 29 days 'till my Birthday.
There's quite a substantial list of stuff you can do once you're sixteen... I think...
Lets have a look..
But man, once you're 17, thats where it's at.
Finaly, we're on holidays, so, (as the people who know me (read: people who read this) can tell you) this means staying up über late every night. Like every night for the past week anyway. Oh well, I'm fine. *Camera behind Ben zooms out, we see computer room. We see Ben's tired head on the keyboard. yhujnm (thats what his head typed)."
Hmm... Yhujnm. Sounds like Chupacabras. Damn I get random this late at night.
Oh well, may I present Yhujnm, the new mascot of Canvas of the Jungle.

Like the Chupacabras, it is a creepy bloodsucker. But unlike the Chupacabras, it lives in the Amazon, not Mexico, and it has wings, not horns. Also, that's life sized there, so... Yeah. Bit of a difference.
Damn, I really hope all these pictures I've uploaded aren't killing my bandwidth. Oh well, it's fun. So, enjoy Yhujnm.
29 Days people, well, 28 by the time someone reads this, and thats being hopeful. Hope you've bought that dead fish on a string...
There's quite a substantial list of stuff you can do once you're sixteen... I think...
Lets have a look..
- Drive a car
But man, once you're 17, thats where it's at.
- Forced pay rise!
Finaly, we're on holidays, so, (as the people who know me (read: people who read this) can tell you) this means staying up über late every night. Like every night for the past week anyway. Oh well, I'm fine. *Camera behind Ben zooms out, we see computer room. We see Ben's tired head on the keyboard. yhujnm (thats what his head typed)."
Hmm... Yhujnm. Sounds like Chupacabras. Damn I get random this late at night.
Oh well, may I present Yhujnm, the new mascot of Canvas of the Jungle.
Like the Chupacabras, it is a creepy bloodsucker. But unlike the Chupacabras, it lives in the Amazon, not Mexico, and it has wings, not horns. Also, that's life sized there, so... Yeah. Bit of a difference.
Damn, I really hope all these pictures I've uploaded aren't killing my bandwidth. Oh well, it's fun. So, enjoy Yhujnm.
29 Days people, well, 28 by the time someone reads this, and thats being hopeful. Hope you've bought that dead fish on a string...
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Too subtle, huh. Well, I'm just going to take that as a compliment, and move on.
BTW, no matter how many times you ask/tell me, I'll ask her out when I'm ready, and no, I'm not bored because I haven't asked her out. Moving on...
Today was pretty good as far as days go. I can't really complain. It's cold here though. Really cold. And exams are finally over! Yay! About damn time, too, they were boring as hell. Family Guy downloading in the background, thats good... good...
I broke a computer at school on Tuesday, in the library. Hehe. My bad. If it's still screwed up next term, I'll fix it. That'd be awesome, come in, own up all the stupid computer noobs there, and they'll be all like "omg, you're so pro! teach me to be as pro as you" and I'll say "lol!"
Sorry, I've been watching this show, Pure Pwnage and it kinda rubs off on you. It's only funny if you're a gamer though. Good thing I am. I'm actually in a good mood right now, I got Photoshop and some Macromedia stuff back on the computer, which is awesome. Now I can make my shittey flash again! Yay! And I can fix my blog's layout, now THAT would be awesome.
I think I'll go have a crack at that now...
BTW, no matter how many times you ask/tell me, I'll ask her out when I'm ready, and no, I'm not bored because I haven't asked her out. Moving on...
Today was pretty good as far as days go. I can't really complain. It's cold here though. Really cold. And exams are finally over! Yay! About damn time, too, they were boring as hell. Family Guy downloading in the background, thats good... good...
I broke a computer at school on Tuesday, in the library. Hehe. My bad. If it's still screwed up next term, I'll fix it. That'd be awesome, come in, own up all the stupid computer noobs there, and they'll be all like "omg, you're so pro! teach me to be as pro as you" and I'll say "lol!"
Sorry, I've been watching this show, Pure Pwnage and it kinda rubs off on you. It's only funny if you're a gamer though. Good thing I am. I'm actually in a good mood right now, I got Photoshop and some Macromedia stuff back on the computer, which is awesome. Now I can make my shittey flash again! Yay! And I can fix my blog's layout, now THAT would be awesome.
I think I'll go have a crack at that now...
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I'm in a pseudo-good mood. Look it up, I cbf'd.
Actually, I'm not in the best mood I've ever been in. And I don't know why. If anyone has any insights into my madness(/boredom) it'd be great if you could tell me. Cuz I'm really confused as to why I'm so angry/sad/bored.
I dunno, I just don't feel very happy right now, I guess. Make of this what you will...
Make of the comments on past posts what you will too, there's a lot of interesting stuff in all of Hoang's waffle there. You might just find something.
P.S. If I'm being too subtle, let me know
I'm in a pseudo-good mood. Look it up, I cbf'd.
Actually, I'm not in the best mood I've ever been in. And I don't know why. If anyone has any insights into my madness(/boredom) it'd be great if you could tell me. Cuz I'm really confused as to why I'm so angry/sad/bored.
I dunno, I just don't feel very happy right now, I guess. Make of this what you will...
Make of the comments on past posts what you will too, there's a lot of interesting stuff in all of Hoang's waffle there. You might just find something.
P.S. If I'm being too subtle, let me know
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Man, what a weekend. I'm so frigging tired, it's not funny. I was on the go all frigging weekend, I didn't get to sit down at all. So I was working at 10 on Saturday, and I got up at 9:30, left, go there. Boring. And stupid Cooper, he swapped shifts with Nicole, so that was a boring shift. If she'd been there it would have been interesting, I guess. So I finished at 2, I met up with Josh and Brooklyn. I practically got tied down and force-fed Carbonara. This was because of a deal I made with Brooklyn a couple days ago (I make such STUPID deals/bets)(mainly bets).
So, that wasn't the best idea I've ever had, but still, I went along with it. Unfortunately, Brooklyn got kinda angry when I wouldn't eat all of this strange, cheesy food I've never had before. Also Bacony (grrr @ bacon). So she was pissed at me for a couple hours, which made going shopping for Gabby's birthday present kinda awkward. Still, we managed to get all the stuff, then Brooklyn went to church and Josh and I went to my house (after I apologised for not eating the stuff), got Gabby's presents ready, then went to her party. I had fun, I really did. It was so cool, playing Werewolf as a small group like that, we had an awesome game with The Infector (turns dudes into werewolfs instead of killing them), the Witch (can save one person, and kill one person), the Ninja (dodges one bullet a night, can flip out and murder-suicide someone) and 4 villagers. So we were all convinced that the infector was Kate or Blaine, but it was really Nick, and man did Blaine play well. Fun game. Me & Josh were the last to leave ('sept Kate, but she was staying over), and we played the chocolate game, and Kate told fortunes with a dice. Fun. Josh and I talked for about 2 hours, about random stuff... Fun. I slept like a log for about 9 hours, I guess, then we played Donkey Konga for 3 hours, then Family Guy for a while, then one game of DotA, then we took Josh home, then TOM came over for History study, he photocopied my book, then I went to work. Equally as boring as yesterday. We were 75 minutes late, so tahts like, an extra 2 and a half hours pay :D.
So here I am, typing when I should be studying. Sorry Brooklyn, I just cbf'd. Guess I'd better say goodbye to Dr. Benny :P.
So, that wasn't the best idea I've ever had, but still, I went along with it. Unfortunately, Brooklyn got kinda angry when I wouldn't eat all of this strange, cheesy food I've never had before. Also Bacony (grrr @ bacon). So she was pissed at me for a couple hours, which made going shopping for Gabby's birthday present kinda awkward. Still, we managed to get all the stuff, then Brooklyn went to church and Josh and I went to my house (after I apologised for not eating the stuff), got Gabby's presents ready, then went to her party. I had fun, I really did. It was so cool, playing Werewolf as a small group like that, we had an awesome game with The Infector (turns dudes into werewolfs instead of killing them), the Witch (can save one person, and kill one person), the Ninja (dodges one bullet a night, can flip out and murder-suicide someone) and 4 villagers. So we were all convinced that the infector was Kate or Blaine, but it was really Nick, and man did Blaine play well. Fun game. Me & Josh were the last to leave ('sept Kate, but she was staying over), and we played the chocolate game, and Kate told fortunes with a dice. Fun. Josh and I talked for about 2 hours, about random stuff... Fun. I slept like a log for about 9 hours, I guess, then we played Donkey Konga for 3 hours, then Family Guy for a while, then one game of DotA, then we took Josh home, then TOM came over for History study, he photocopied my book, then I went to work. Equally as boring as yesterday. We were 75 minutes late, so tahts like, an extra 2 and a half hours pay :D.
So here I am, typing when I should be studying. Sorry Brooklyn, I just cbf'd. Guess I'd better say goodbye to Dr. Benny :P.
Friday, June 02, 2006
What a week, huh? Exams, mainly, that was crazy. Lucky-other-year-10's, they only had 6, we get 7, and they only had 1 week, we get 2. But they get 2 weeks of work experience. Lucky.
Here's a question: Do you have ANY idea how humiliating it is to just be walking somewhere, and have some random call out something like "z'omg! It's harry potter uleh! i am so dumb, i can't read a kids book, but i can watch a movie!" I was at Barkley this afternoon, and I went into McDonalds (don't hate me, I was hungry) and there was like 10 lebo dudes sitting at the tables near the enterance. So, I stood there for a second, knowing that I'd get called Harry Potter, then I walked in. As I thought... "LOOK! IT'S HARRY POTTER!" Bam, 10 lebo idiots turn and look at me. A wicked smile carresses their cruel, snarling lips. "Harry! How you doing!" "Cast a spell on me, Harry!" "Harry! How's that asian chick?" So I bought my fatty food, chucked some paper in the bin ("What'd he chuck?") then walked out. On the way down Union street, as I was eating the pig fat/soft serve from McDonalds, ANOTHER random comes up, and says "Hey, can I have an ice cream? Tight ass." Then walks off. I'm in a pretty bad mood by then, but I keep walking down Union street. I get to Fallon street without incident. I see some year 11's I know. They say "How you doing, Ben?" I nod. They're smoking. I hate smokers, so I increase my walking speed. I get to the tram stop. Some asian girls on the other side of the road point and laugh at me. I get on the tram. Some pompous private school bastards are staring at me. I do my best to ignore them and just listen to my iPod, but their probing eyes make me feel very disconcerted.
I finally get home, and I just collapse onto my bed for a couple minutes. I'm so tired, it's not funny. And people think I don't do anything after school.
It was a pretty crap day today, to tell the truth. I really didn't do that much, so it was kinda boring. Scumm was ok, we had a speaker, and I got us all a 5 week extension on our projects (go ahead, tell me I didn't. I dare you). Recess was ok, we got shunted around a bit because we were plaing Werewolf and got kicked out of B block, so we went to the Drama Room and skipped pastoral.
Health sucked balls. Thank god it was the last class. I just listened to my iPod for a while.
Lunch was good, we played Werewolf again. It's weird, the characters Blaine invented are on the Wikipedia page for Werewolf, and no one's admitting to putting them up. The site's here if anyone's interested. Then we had our English exam, which was easy enough. I dind't write enough though, I never do :D. Oh well. A nice, relaxing night, after a hard, boring day.
Here's a question: Do you have ANY idea how humiliating it is to just be walking somewhere, and have some random call out something like "z'omg! It's harry potter uleh! i am so dumb, i can't read a kids book, but i can watch a movie!" I was at Barkley this afternoon, and I went into McDonalds (don't hate me, I was hungry) and there was like 10 lebo dudes sitting at the tables near the enterance. So, I stood there for a second, knowing that I'd get called Harry Potter, then I walked in. As I thought... "LOOK! IT'S HARRY POTTER!" Bam, 10 lebo idiots turn and look at me. A wicked smile carresses their cruel, snarling lips. "Harry! How you doing!" "Cast a spell on me, Harry!" "Harry! How's that asian chick?" So I bought my fatty food, chucked some paper in the bin ("What'd he chuck?") then walked out. On the way down Union street, as I was eating the pig fat/soft serve from McDonalds, ANOTHER random comes up, and says "Hey, can I have an ice cream? Tight ass." Then walks off. I'm in a pretty bad mood by then, but I keep walking down Union street. I get to Fallon street without incident. I see some year 11's I know. They say "How you doing, Ben?" I nod. They're smoking. I hate smokers, so I increase my walking speed. I get to the tram stop. Some asian girls on the other side of the road point and laugh at me. I get on the tram. Some pompous private school bastards are staring at me. I do my best to ignore them and just listen to my iPod, but their probing eyes make me feel very disconcerted.
I finally get home, and I just collapse onto my bed for a couple minutes. I'm so tired, it's not funny. And people think I don't do anything after school.
It was a pretty crap day today, to tell the truth. I really didn't do that much, so it was kinda boring. Scumm was ok, we had a speaker, and I got us all a 5 week extension on our projects (go ahead, tell me I didn't. I dare you). Recess was ok, we got shunted around a bit because we were plaing Werewolf and got kicked out of B block, so we went to the Drama Room and skipped pastoral.
Health sucked balls. Thank god it was the last class. I just listened to my iPod for a while.
Lunch was good, we played Werewolf again. It's weird, the characters Blaine invented are on the Wikipedia page for Werewolf, and no one's admitting to putting them up. The site's here if anyone's interested. Then we had our English exam, which was easy enough. I dind't write enough though, I never do :D. Oh well. A nice, relaxing night, after a hard, boring day.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Sometimes I wonder, when people are badmouthing someone in the class when they're not there, I wonder if people ever talk about me like that. I guess everyone does, except the über popular people who are so confident in their popularity that one dissenting voice does nothing to assuage their popularity.
And sometimes, right after I get burned (metaphorically, I'm not physically burnt) by someone, I sit back and think "Man, I have such a high opinion of that person, how can they say something like that?" And it makes me sad.
And then, I see someone being attacked about something they have no control over, like their appearence, or intelligence, or parents or something, and I have a dilemma: should I intervene? Or should I join in? Or should I just sit on the fence, not wanting to go either way because while I'll get in someone's good books, someone else's opinion of me has slipped just that little bit further down.
I've always been told that I should help people if they need it, or their in trouble. All through primary school, I was that person who needed help. And my family isn't exactly the type of family who'll tell you it's ok to tease someone. That's probably where I get my moralistic streak from. Even my extended family, like my uncle will always help a hurt animal if he sees it. Which I think is awesome. I wish I was more like him (he's a pilot, he has a Porche and a Mustang, and he's an awesome guy in general).
So, I'm in the accellerated class at school. Which in principle, is an awesome idea, putting kids who under normal circumstances would be bored, and teased, into a class together so they can learn better. But in fact, it's singling these people out for more teasing! In year 7, I was the short, dorky kid with glasses, and few friends. And the friends I had were just as dorky, or socially awkward as I was (Josh (no offence, but you were :D) Luther, Tom, Peter etc...) So was the class really that good an idea? I still get taunted, hell, even my boss teases me. Is that fair? Just because I have brown hair and glasses, I'm automatically associated with that teen wizard with a frigging gash in his forhead. Who, btw, is way cool, I just don't like the association, I'd rather be my own person than be catergorised as "Harry Potter."
Oh boy, I've done another rambler. Oh well, it's important to vent feelings like this every once in a while. And I can almost hear the criticisms coming in now... Or at least anticipate the questions...
And sometimes, right after I get burned (metaphorically, I'm not physically burnt) by someone, I sit back and think "Man, I have such a high opinion of that person, how can they say something like that?" And it makes me sad.
And then, I see someone being attacked about something they have no control over, like their appearence, or intelligence, or parents or something, and I have a dilemma: should I intervene? Or should I join in? Or should I just sit on the fence, not wanting to go either way because while I'll get in someone's good books, someone else's opinion of me has slipped just that little bit further down.
I've always been told that I should help people if they need it, or their in trouble. All through primary school, I was that person who needed help. And my family isn't exactly the type of family who'll tell you it's ok to tease someone. That's probably where I get my moralistic streak from. Even my extended family, like my uncle will always help a hurt animal if he sees it. Which I think is awesome. I wish I was more like him (he's a pilot, he has a Porche and a Mustang, and he's an awesome guy in general).
So, I'm in the accellerated class at school. Which in principle, is an awesome idea, putting kids who under normal circumstances would be bored, and teased, into a class together so they can learn better. But in fact, it's singling these people out for more teasing! In year 7, I was the short, dorky kid with glasses, and few friends. And the friends I had were just as dorky, or socially awkward as I was (Josh (no offence, but you were :D) Luther, Tom, Peter etc...) So was the class really that good an idea? I still get taunted, hell, even my boss teases me. Is that fair? Just because I have brown hair and glasses, I'm automatically associated with that teen wizard with a frigging gash in his forhead. Who, btw, is way cool, I just don't like the association, I'd rather be my own person than be catergorised as "Harry Potter."
Oh boy, I've done another rambler. Oh well, it's important to vent feelings like this every once in a while. And I can almost hear the criticisms coming in now... Or at least anticipate the questions...
Well Nick, the "he" in the last paragraph is the same "he" as in the 2nd last paragraph.
And in response to the other comment, the phrase "too much information" applies, I think.
Today sucked, may I say, I think I sucked ass in Italian, and the other classes were boring (well, Maths was ok, but that was because Me & Gabby just listened to her Mp3 player).
Oh, and I'm invited to Gabby's party on Saturday, which'll be fun.
Chocolate, eh...
P.S. Sorry, just a short post, as I cbf'd.
P.P.S. Shout out to Brooklyn who got 98% on her Maths exam :D Well Done, Better than what I'll get anyway.
And in response to the other comment, the phrase "too much information" applies, I think.
Today sucked, may I say, I think I sucked ass in Italian, and the other classes were boring (well, Maths was ok, but that was because Me & Gabby just listened to her Mp3 player).
Oh, and I'm invited to Gabby's party on Saturday, which'll be fun.
Chocolate, eh...
P.S. Sorry, just a short post, as I cbf'd.
P.P.S. Shout out to Brooklyn who got 98% on her Maths exam :D Well Done, Better than what I'll get anyway.
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