Saturday, December 30, 2006

Longest 8 minutes and 35 seconds of my life.

Still counting, too. That's right, my download still hasn't finished. After running solidly for 3 days, it's reached the glorious heights of 99.5%. For the 4th time today. It'll go up to about 99.8%, sit there for a couple of minutes, mocking me, then plummet down to 99.2% for a while. It's an hourly cycle. I say "longest 8 minutes and 35 seconds of my life" because that's what the ETA was when I started writing. It's been varying between 50 seconds and an hour all day. :(

Apart from my download woes, I haven't done much today. Although, I do have one thing to talk about. When in Italy, I purchased a pretty damn awesome leather, 3/4 coat.

Similar to this doohicky, except blacker, and longer.
Also, I recieved a Hat, a very nice hat, for Christmas (Yes, this is going somewhere).

It looks like this.

So, when combined, the "Homburg" hat, and the 3/4 Leather coat make me look... I don't quite know how to describe it.

The point is, when I've been on a tram, wearing this (quite stylish, in my opinion) getup, people stare at me, point at me, clutch their babies closer to them, move away from me... I think it's funny, actually, since I'm such a nice person normally... If I was wearing a shirt that said "People rule" or some such, they wouldn't be shying away...


Just something that I've been thinking about for a while. Make of it what you will.

No, I don't think it's an emo hat. Shut up, peter.

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