Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Some people take obsession to a whole new, scary level

I was looking for an air raid siren sound, for clandestine reasons that shall remain my own, and came across this page. Yeah, it filled my need for a sired, it filled it 100 times over. Whoever made this site needs to get laid, badly. Fast. When your website contains lists of 1-2 minute long air raid sirens, including the different makes, then they have a serious problem. I know it's ok to get passionate about things, I do myself, sometimes. I'm more of a dabbler. A bit here, a bit there, not throwing myself into anything that'll consume my life like this dude obviously has. Looking through the site, we find the "About Adam" page, and, surprise surprise, he's a (insert synonym for geek here). He's also a programmer. Mothers, lock up your daughters.

Moving on, Christmas! My Christmas, while devoid of the usual electronic devices that normally fill my "Santa Stocking" (pillowcase, more like), was still pretty damn good. I got 3 t-shirts, craploads of books, $50... and some magnets. Oh, and a hat! Oh, what an awesome hat it was, too. It goes so well with all the various clothing accessories I bought in Italy (jacket and necklace). I better stop hogging the internet, I've been trying to get some more music for the past 2-3 days, and it's just hit 67.8%. Well, not so much hit, as slowly, agonisingly slowly slid into 67.8% at 4.6 kbps. Woo.

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