Sunday, September 05, 2004

Can I count to 3?

Lois: Oh look at Stewie, isn't he adorable playing with his Sesame Street Phone?

Stewie: Put me through to the Pentagon!

Ernie: Do you know what sound a cow makes?

Stewie: Don't toy with me Ernie, Ive already dispatched with Mr. Cooper, Ive got 6
armed men stationed outside Big Bird's nest, and as for Linda, well it's kind of
hard for a deaf women to hear an assassin approach isn't it?

Ernie: Can you count to three?

Stewie: Oh indeed I can. *Shoots phone* One! *Shoots phone* Two! *Shoots phone* Three! Heh heh..can I count to three, for God's sakes I'm already shooting at a fifth grade level.

Oh, MAN! I Love Family Guy!

Anyway, on to...*shudders* the new topics list ....
1. NO. It is not important to buy brand names. Why the deuce (An expression from Family Guy!) would it be? So they look nicer. But, can you wear them to work, especially if you have one of those messy jobs, like, um, a... Doctor, or a ... Builder. Could you wear a Mink Coat to those jobs? NO WAY! Especially if you are one of those Doctors who deliver babies, can't remember what they are called... And for food, they probably are the same product in nicer wrappings. Like Aldi (The German "Food Store"). They have all these exotic brands, with flashy wrappers, but every single one of them is a trademark of the Aldi Corporation. And, Aldi Calls themselvs a "Food Store". BUT,THEY SELL T.V's and BOXING GLOVES! WHAT KIND OF FOOD STORE SELLS THOSE KIND OF THINGS!?! BAH!
2. NO. There are CAsual users, there are people who spend 19 hours a day on the internet, there are frequent users, and there are hackers. *gasps* *dun, dun, duuuunnnnnnn*
The Hackers and the 19 Hourer's will have more knowladge aboit the internet, and the hackers will use this knowladge to either help or hinder. Some hackers are employed to break into websites. The 19 Hourers' find stuff about products or movies or books or anything, and tell everyone about it. But the rest of the Internet users know barely anything of what goes on in the internet. Which Stinks. BAH!
Ok, I'm done.

The Amazing MonkeyMan
Ben Smith

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