Tuesday, September 07, 2004


Ok, if you want to reply, just go like:
1. 300
2. It is a cheap-O computer
and so on...

1. A farmer has 17 sheep. All but 9 Die. How many are left?
2. The MonkeyMan bought a word processor small enough to fit in his pocket. It can add, subtract, multiply, divide and write in all languages. It has a delete device that will correct any error, and no electricity is required to operate it. Amazing, it only cost 10 cents. How can it be so cheap?
3. Why can't a man living in South Carolina be buried in North Carolina?
4. Two men were playing checkers. Each played 5 games, and each won the same number of games. No draws. How can this be?
5. A man married 48 women. None of them died, he was never divorced, and he was one of the most admired men in town. How Come?

Ok, I'll post the answers later.
Thank you to the wonderful people at the Bathroom Reader's Institute, for these amazing brainteasers. I'm mentioning them so they won't sue the pants off me!
"The Amazing MonkeyMan"


Josh said...

1.) The farmer has nine sheep left (Baaah!)
2.) You bought a pencil
3.) Because the man is still living, unless your evil and decide to bury him alive..
4.) The two men weren’t playing each other
5.) The man who married them was a priest, or the guy who marries people in a chapel (Or a cheap NY Casino)

Josh said...

By the way, the pencil had an eraser on the other end..

Josh said...

Oh yer, one final thing Bendan.
I did your trophy - it's uploaded to the school site;
Use it as much as you want.

Josh said...

Hey Ben, can you please take off that stupid pop-up script on your blog? It's annoying as hell, 'cause when you press cancel it goes to the page you were on before, not to mention its a real pain to have to click it all the time.

Oh yer, put the Background script on a different layer in the HTML, you removed the background for the text in teh front page, and its hard to read.

Josh said...

Jess, if your looking for riddles etc.
Look in google for 'Betrayal at Krondor Chest Riddles'
It was an old game I played about 5 years ago, and when you find a chest most of them were locked with a word that you had to get from a riddle.
No, it aint a kids game either, killing, poison, murder etc. So the riddles are also rather hard.

Josh said...

Blessed are the first.
Slow are the second.
Playful are the third.
Bold are the fourth.
Brave are the fifth.

(You would have never guessed that the answer was 'Blades')