Sunday, February 11, 2007

Extortion Day?

I've been saying for at least the past year that St Valentine's day is a load of crap. At least. After doing some actual RESEARCH though, I've discovered that it WASN'T invented by Hallmark. Unlike Father's Day, or Mother's Day, or Sweetest Day *vomit*. Those holidays are full of shit. St Valentine's Day, however, actually has ancient roots!

Named after a pair of Christian Martyrs, the Pope of the 4th Century (AD)(or CE, if you're a history bitch) declared the 14th of February St Valentine's day. Adopted as the offical holiday of lovers everywhere after the rise in courtly love (R.I.P), it's now become one of the most marketed holidays in the calendar (after Christmas, but we'll get to that in a few months). One Billion Valentines are sent every year, and 850 Million of them are sent by Women. What does that tell you?
  • Women are more compassionate and caring
  • Women are sucked into marketing campaigns aimed at the heart easier
You tell me the answer.

The point is, either way, that Valentines day was ONCE a day for the celebration of love, and is NOW a day for the celebration of Hallmark Executives. I don't plan on buying into it, thank you very much.

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