Monday, December 12, 2005

I'm on Camp!

It's Monday night, and so far today I've been up for 13 hours or so, as we got woken at around 6 to disembark from the Spirit of Tasmania. But more on that later.
I got to school at about 6, the waited around talking and eating crappy Red Rooster chicken rolls, then the bus got here. We rode it down to the port, got on the boat, wated 'till 9, then rode al night. We went to a buffet, and we played "walking tiggy", because we couldn't run, and we stayed up late, listenng to stories and jokes. Some of the stories were scary, too, so picture if you will, Ptch darkness, Blaine and on the bottom bunks, Nick and Jesse on the top (nck was above me), me cowering under the blankets, almost crying wth terror, whle Blaine told his creepy stores involvng him finding--, nah, you don't need that sort of scarring. Nick and Jesse were fne, though, and tomorrow night Blane's gonna tell us all the scary stories about Port Arthur and the Island of the Dead, the day before we go there. Some might go so far as to say that's a bit unfair. Not me though =/
So, this morning, we were woken at 6 to get of the freaking boat, then we went to McDonalds for a free breakfast. We drove t Hobart, with frequent stops along the way, and we arrved at around 6.
So, here I am, typng my little heart out at a crappy computer, hoping that one of my friends will read this and show some smypathy.
Btw, I'll try to post again tomorrow night, if I have any internet credt left, as it's really fucking expensve. $10 for 80 mins, come on!

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