Thursday, December 01, 2005

75th Post extravaganza... Not that it's that extravagant...

La da da da daaa da dah, la da dah daa daa daaah. Badaba la da da da daaa da dah, la da dah daa la Ba Bam.
I'm just not in a good enough mood to do anything extravagant... I've been putting this off for days, because I can't think of anything to write.
I've had other things on my mind.
But, just for the sake of... the reader... I'll try to make this entertaining. I had all this cool stuff planned, too... I was drawing a picture (pixelated) in paint of all my friends, and I was gonna put it here, but I havn't finished it, so it'll have to wait for the 100th post, which I hope to reach by my 16th Birthday. Which is about 8 months away. Holy crap, I can drive, legally in 8 months! Wow. Thats scary. Me, behind the wheel of a car.
So, I was going through my old posts, and I found a really beautiful comment that Brooklyn had left... It... really touc-- moved me. So, thanks Brooklyn.
I don't know where I'd be without my friends... I mean, now, at 10:43 when I'm writing this, I'd probably asleep... but... you know what I mean. I'd be lost without them...
After school today, I waited with Josh to meet Brooklyn. Thats something, that 6 months ago, I would never have done. Not only because I wasn't very friendly with Brooklyn, or that Josh and Brooklyn weren't going out 6 months ago, but because during the past 4 months or so, I've grown much closer to Josh. He's helped me so much, they (Josh and Brooklyn) both have, and I am just so thankful, so grateful to them both. So, thats to Josh and Brooklyn.

Oh, thats all I can write today. This has been, for Canvas of the Jungle, the 75th post. Thanks.
(P.S. Congratulations to Josh and Brooklyn, who celebrate their 3 month anniversary tomorrow)

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