Sunday 11/12
Pretty much what I said last time.
"I got to school at about 6, the waited around talking and eating crappy Red Rooster chicken rolls, then the bus got here. We rode it down to the port, got on the boat, waited 'till 9, then rode al night. We went to a buffet, and we played "walking tiggy", because we couldn't run, and we stayed up late, listening to stories and jokes. Some of the stories were scary, too, so picture if you will, pitch darkness, Blaine and on the bottom bunks, Nick and Jesse on the top (Nick was above me), me cowering under the blankets, almost crying with terror, while Blaine told his creepy stories."
'Sept I forgot to mention that the six of us (that is, Me, Kate, Jesse, Nick, Gabby and Blaine) going up onto the outside deck and just getting hammered by the wind and the waves. It was so awesome, just seeing the incredible fury of nature, watching the expressions on my friends faces as they got a mouthful of salty spray... Amazing.
Monday 12/12
We disembarked from the Spirit of Tasmania in Devenport, and went to the McDonald's there, where we got a free Breakfast. Kinda cool, I guess, unless you (like me) had paid for the camp, in which case it wasn't free. Oh well. We left there at 8:30, drove to Marakoopa Cave for a guided tour, where we saw some crazy Stalagmites and Stalactites (don't ask which is which) and some quite large spiders. Creepy.
We then drove to Hobart, and had a tour of the landmarks, which was also cool, and then we got to shit box central, aka the Transit Center Backpackers. I got on the internet and wrote the first camp post. We walked around Hobart again, at night, which was cool.
Tuesday 13/12
We woke at 7, Breakfast at 7:30, left for Cadbury's Chocolate Factory for a 9:30 tour, got free chocolate, brought chocolate (none left, sorry :P), then went to Mt Field National Park, which wasn't as much as a death march as I initially made it out to be. It was pretty cool, we walked to a waterfall, and saw some massive trees, that was awesome, and I had a talk with Jesse, Nick and Gabby, and they seemed to think that I'd changed over those last couple of days. Hm.
They said I was swearing more, I was more confidant, more crude (don't know what they meant by that) and Nick wrongly claimed I was singing more. Hm. Try less. We got back to the Backpackers, had dinner, went to see the Brothers Grimm, got on the internet, wrote the second camp post, the Brothers Grimm was so crap it isn't worth mentioning other than this... Yeah.
Wednesday 14/12
*Shudders* Port Arthur. We packed up, and left for Port Arthur, which is an old Prison work camp dealie, and it's (apparently, depends on who you talk to) haunted. Blaine seems to think it is, judging by his ghost stories (he didn't actually tell any of them by the way, he couldn't be bothered or some shit, I don't know. We had a guided tour of the place during the day, then went to our Second Camp place, a caravan park, which I liked less than the other place. There was a really cool lake though, super clear, really serene. Nick, Jesse, Blaine and Rachael went swimming, and I just watched, then went to dinner, after realising I was late. Oops. Then I had to go and get them. That was embarrassing, walking in half an hour late. =/
We left for the tour, started at 8:15, walked around (this was surreal, almost, seeing this place that we'd explored in the daytime in a whole other light, it's like walking around a school at night, pretty freaky. The fact that the tour guide looked like Alan Rickman (the dude who plays Professor Snape in the Harry Potter movies) didn't help, looking at my appearance) for a while, went underground, lent on a dissection table, got freaked out, maybe heard something, but it was probably some idiot, maybe even Mr Molloy. Damn he was annoying. He hid in doorways and jumped out at people, he grabbed people from behind, then after the tour, he got the bus driver to stop next to a cemetery, claiming that it had broken down, so we all had to get out and walk through the cemetery, and he told us a story (the one with the couple on a deserted road and the maniac decapitated the husband and smashes it against the back window) then we got back on the miraculously fixed bus and went back to the park.
Thursday 15/12
Today, we did pretty much nothing. We got on the bus, drove from Port Arthur to Devenport, had dinner, then got on the boat.
Dunno if you can tell on that map, but that's a freaking long way. About 500 KM, in one day. That's halfway to Sydney.
For dinner that night, we went out to an Italian restraunt, and as per usual, I got screwed over in the food department. They wouldn't even let me order a bowl of chips because the school got some kinda special deal, and chips weren't a part of it. Bah. We had an interesting discussion though, the seven of us (in order from left, going clockwise, Blaine, Nick, Jesse, Tom, Me, Kate, Gabby) we were around a table, with Blaine and Gabby against a wall, and Tom on the other side of the table. Anyway, Jesse, Blaine, Nick and Tom were kinda ganging up against the two girls, making chauvinistic jokes, and generally being asses. When I stepped in to... Mediate, I got my efforts thrown back at me. I don't think I'll try to help people very much anymore, only when they ask for it. Hm. Anyway, we got on the boat, had a talk from Mr Molloy about how we need to stop trying to feel the girls up (he was mainly talking to the OTHER boys, not anyone from our class, besides Evan)(lol), then we had an hour to do stuff, then we had a crappy presentation, then I watched the end of the fantastic 4, kinda anticlimactic, oh well, I brought Blaine a $30 wombat to give to Mr Molloy because he's leaving, this pissed Kate and Gabby off a bit, I think, as they wanted to collaborate on it... Hm. Who knows. More people tried to pick me up, befuddling not only me, but Evan, who after hearing some girl I don't even know call me "hottie" looked dumbfounded at me and asked "did she just call you--" "yep." Fun was had.
Friday 16/12
We got up, got off the boat, drove to school, went home. I went to Cydus because Jesse asked me to, and he didn't show up, which pissed me off, but Tom and David were there, so I got over it.
Saturday 17/12.
I got up, had a Christmas party, went to bed.
Sunday 18/12
Taekwondo Grading. I think I went pretty damn well, personally, but that's just my opinion, not that of the assessors. =/.
Monday 19/12
Went out with my Aunt, accompanying her for her Christmas shopping. We were gonna see a movie, but nothings on.
Tuesday 20/12
I was supposed to start work at 2, but when I read the roster, I thought it was 4, so that's when I started. They didn't care too much.
Wednesday 21/12
I had a friend, Matthew, over for the night (nothing happened :P, but I found out who he likes. Hehe. Aren't I good)
Thursday 22/12
I went to another friend's house, James (Again, nothing happened)
Friday 23/12
I worked from 4 till 10:15. Long day. Really busy. We made $10 000. Woo.
Saturday 24/12
Christmas Eve. Thank god I wasn't working. I went down to my grandma's house, her whole side of the family was there. It was fun. Got lots of prezzies, gave a fair few too. It's hard, living so far away from the rest of my (extended) family, but then I look at people who've migrated over here, and think how hard it must be for them, so in a way I'm lucky. Anyway, I re-re-re got to know my cousins for the 12th time (:P) and went home. We got back at around 8, and I watched some Simpsons (Season 6, I got it from my parents, tre cool)
So that's been my past two weeks, almost. Hope this post isn't too long for you, and if it is you can bite me. I'm tired, it's 11:30, give me a break.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, joyeux noel, or however you say it,
P.S Holy shit! 1500 words! That's a record!