Sunday, September 18, 2005

Yes, I believe it's time...

To add another post!
I can't think of anything to say. At all.
Wow. Me, lost for words...(I wonder how long I can string this out)
Well, I have work in about 2 hours, wont that be fun
Hey, is anyone gonna take up Ms Gay's offer for the research help at the state library?
I think that will be fun.
Or, not fun, but interesting.

This is sad. Me, sitting here pulling this pathetic attempt at a post out of some unknown orifice, whereas other people can just sit down and write a 250 word post in ten minutes!

I envy those people.

The Amazing MonkeyMan
Ben Smith

1 comment:

Ben said...

Can't you stupid bots go post on someone else's Blog? Or just stop alltogether?
Yeah, my passion is also Forex International Trading... GET A JOB!