Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Thats how I feel right now.
Wanna know why?
I forewarn thee, gentle reader, as I'm in a terrible mood right now, so I might say something I may regret later.
Since no one is on MSN for me to talk to, this will be my respite.

Today, I told my venturer leader that I was quitting. Understandably, his reaction was quite shocked , and quite rightly too, because I'm the only good one there. He said so himself. His exact words were "You're like a shining light that keeps me coming to Venturers". That made me feel good, I suppose, but also quite confused I mean, I'd already talked myself into leaving, and then he comes out with these incredible statements, and now I'm not sure. He's a great guy, too, and I don't want to disappoint anyone. So there's that.

Another thing. I have so much stuff to do. Lets make a chart of my week.
School, 7 hours (+travelling), Work, 6 hours (+travelling). Total=13 Hours.
School, 7 hours (+travelling), Work, 6 hours (+travelling). Total=13 Hours.
School, 7.5 hours (+band, +travelling), Venturers, 3 hours. Total=10.5 Hours.
School, 8 Hours (+before school maths, +travelling), Joeys, 1.5 hours (+travelling), Taekwondo, 1.5 hours (+ travelling) Total=11 Hours.
School, 7 Hours (+travelling), Work, 7 hours (+travelling). Total=14 Hours.
Work, 5 Hours. Total=5 Hours.
Total Time=66.5 Hours.
Total Sleeping time=8*7=56 Hours
66.5+56=126.5 Hours
Total Time in week=168 Hours
41.5/7=5.92 Hours
Average time per day not doing anything=6 Hours.
Hey, thats not too bad. Still, thats 75% of my time, out of the house or sleeping.
So, thats pretty much it, I guess.